Gamerz Community Indo
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Gamerz Community Indo
Welcome to GCI
(Gaje.... eh..Gamerz Community Indo)

Tx' for visiting us ^^

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[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
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[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
Yukio Kishida
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
Nate The Reaper
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
Kaoru Tsuji
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
Naomi Nonami
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_voting_bar[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi I_vote_lcap 
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 [Layouter] Nenek Yousachi

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Posts : 98
Join date : 06.10.09
Age : 30
Location : tempat tidur

Your'z Character
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Left_bar_bleue10/10[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty_bar_bleue  (10/10)
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Left_bar_bleue5/5[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty_bar_bleue  (5/5)
Chara Info:

[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty
PostSubyek: [Layouter] Nenek Yousachi   [Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty7/10/2009, 15:52

[Nama]: (asli) Ines Pramesti, (palsu) Yousachi/Miu :P skalian Ines Supriyadi.... *ditendang*
[Nick]: Nenek, Ines, Sachi, terserah anda mw bilang apa :P

[Gender]: Female.....
[Umur]: 15 thn
[TTL]: Denpasar, 19 Juni 1994
[Domisili]: Surakarta
[Alamat]: Jln Mataram Utama no. 9 gayamsari, Banyuanyar. RT 02 RW XI
[Status]: sudah menikah... klo g nikah, kalian smua g bakal lahir deh ROFLMAO
[Gol. Darah]: AB
[Zodiak]: Gemini
[Shio]: Anjing

[Cita"]: pingin jd komikus bwt ank MMA
[Hobi]: bikin komik, jahit, OL, ngerjain tugas, g belajar, maen game, maen bareng cowok, ngejoke bareng Dalaska, Kentut, tidur, sms-an, ngebut2an, dll
[Yg Disukai]: Si 15N ama 13T... ama si ST4, buah2an, kucing, PR math, tmpat2 yg sepi... tp g gelap ama g ktrangan...., gantungan kunci dr mantan aye, ama ulangan
[Yg Dibenci]: Hantu, laba2, PR yg g bisa diikerjain, remidi
[Gem fav]: Star Ocean series, Wild Arms series, Persona series, yg penting RPG
[Anime/Manga fav]: The World God Only Knows, Star Ocean 2
[Karakter fav]: Rena Lanford, Aegis, Shirogane Naoto, Arisato minato, Nanako, Hanamura Yousuke
[Karakter dibenci]: Takaya :P
[Pelajaran Fav]: Math, Fisika, Kimia, Bhs Inggris, gbr Vektor
[Pelajaran Dibenci]: Agama, PKn, Bhs Indo, DKK, dll

[HP]: 081-329-505-340
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Yukio Kishida
Yukio Kishida

Posts : 777
Join date : 03.08.09
Age : 29
Location : judgement room

Your'z Character
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Left_bar_bleue10/10[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty_bar_bleue  (10/10)
[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Left_bar_bleue5/5[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty_bar_bleue  (5/5)
Chara Info:

[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty
PostSubyek: Re: [Layouter] Nenek Yousachi   [Layouter] Nenek Yousachi Empty9/10/2009, 17:52

selamat bergabung di pengurus GCI nek ^^

kpn" smz yukio dunx bwat ngabarin GCI hhehe *ditendang*
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[Layouter] Nenek Yousachi
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